Privacy Policy

Wana'Taxi Taxis 2011 Ltd

We are located at:
Level 1, 37 Shotover Street
Wana'Taxi 9300

Wana'Taxi Taxis Website Privacy Policy

What We Collect:
- Name
- Contact information (email & phone number)
- Pickup Address
- Booking details

Purposes of Collection:
- Identify & contact you for transportation services
- Inform you about updates, offers, and services
- Enable participation in competitions & promotions
- Ensure service meets your requirements
- Prevent misuse of the online booking system

- Used for tracking and advertising purposes
- Information stored by third-party services
- More details: Third-Party Privacy Policy

Your Rights:
- Opt-out if desired, but may limit website usage
- Request copy or correction of personal information
- Contact: marketing@Wana'

Additional Information:
- Online Protection Tips: Privacy Commissioner Website

Wana'Taxi Taxis App Privacy Policy

What We Collect:
- Name
- Contact information (email & phone number)
- Location (GPS when enabled)
- Phone unique ID, model, software version
- Booking history

Purposes of Collection:
- Identify & contact for transportation services
- Inform about updates, offers, and services
- Enable participation in competitions & promotions
- Monitor app usage
- Receive real-time location for services

Shared Information:
- With app developers and support team for maintenance

Your Rights:
- Opt-out if desired, but limits app usage
- Agree to app use upon registration